Freshening up KCB’s online presence

KCB is an agency tasked by the Dutch government to safeguard the quality of plants, flowers and food for export and consumption. They’ve requested ROX to revitalize their website. Together, we’ve rooted out the complexity and took a modern approach to make the new website accessible to everyone involved.
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Problem statement
The challenges KCB faced were three-fold. Outdated technical capabilities, confusing information architecture and accessibility. As KCB is an organization tasked by the government and meant every farmer with these products was mandated to subject to qualifications by KCB. As information regarding this was hard to find, we prioritized improving the information architecture and content plan.

Design process
With a hybrid of a sitemap and flow chart, we mapped out the types of pages and content required to provide all required information, as well as allow for plenty of growth. After solidifying the information architecture in a wireframe prototype, we started putting focus on the visual aspect. With accessibility in mind, we created a layout that utilized modern design trends and created visual appealing pages without the need for an extensive library of imagery.

Final outcome
The final deliverable resulted in a website with enough room for growth. As the project has only recently launched, further insights still need to be gathered.